This post is a couple of weeks past the start of the new year, but I wanted to properly consider what is important enough for me to include in this post, and reflect a little too.
Last year, I said that one of my goals was to love myself more/my figure. I can't help but as a young woman in society, this is easier said than done. Despite having my low days and feeling like I look disgusting in whatever I'm wearing, I think I've definitely improved and partially achieved this goal. I've managed to take some full-length body pictures where I'm actually happy looking at myself, rather than hiding myself away or sticking to only posting pictured that cut off at chest height.
I also feel I managed to be more positive in situations that were challenging and gave myself some more 'me' time.
Plus, I worked super hard for my a-levels, managing to achieve ABB, along with getting a place at university. It'll be something I'm proud of myself for forever - achieving those grades with various chronic illnesses was a huge challenge!
Onto this year...
1. Continue to smash 1st year -
Ever since I've started uni in September, I feel I've become a much happier person. I've made incredible friends, been fortunate enough to have lovely staff around me, adore my course and feel I am one step closer to achieving my dream career.
I've only received the grade back from one assignment so far, which I got a 2:1 in.
I have a strong aim to finish first year with a minimum of a 2:1. So I'll work very hard to get that!
2. Self Love Project
This is something I'd like to talk about in more depth in the future and probably do a specific blog post on sometime. But, as most girls have, I've never particularly loved my body shape. As bizarre as this may seem for people of a certain generation, it's actually pretty pivotal to your happiness and confidence.
Over the last few months, I feel this has improved quite a bit. So I've enjoyed wearing things that I used to consider myself too 'fat' to wear, along with wearing things that are slightly out of my comfort zone. By the end of 2018, I'd love to be able to feel even happier about this.
3. Focus more on Self-Care
I'm a bit of a workaholic tbh and I struggle to turn off. There are certain things like photography and beach walks that make me really happy, but I don't feel I often have time. I'm determined to make time for them this year. Since I finished my photography a level back in May, I've only taken a couple of photoshoots. It's definitely something I need to do more!
So, those are my goals for 2018. Let me know what your goals are in the comments and if you're feeling positive for the new year!
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