I'm so sorry for not posting for a while, I've had so much college work & had tonsillitis (twice!) :(
I realised a lot of these posts have been beauty/fashion related, so I thought I'd share a bit more about myself so you can learn a bit more about me!
1) What is your middle name? I don't actually have one!
2) What was your favourite subject at school? I had two - History & English. I achieved As in both and really enjoyed them at school, I have persued the English and do English Literature & Language A Level. Although History GCSE is hard work, it is so rewarding and interesting.
3) What do you do at college? Sociology, English Literature & Lanugage, and Photography (A Level)

5) What is your favourite song at the moment? This is so difficult - I listen to a range of artists all the time. For a chilled song, I like 'Perth' by Bon Iver and something a bit more upbeat, 'She's American' by The 1975.
6) What is your favourite food? I love pizza (either margarita or pepperoni), and also pasta. Lasagna is pretty good too.
7) What is the last thing you brought? A Maybelline make up setting spray, which I absolutely love!
8) Favourite book of all time? I'm such a bookworm, its so hard to choose one. I love 'I Capture A Castle' by Dodie Smith - it's such a classic and I've re-read it over and over again.
9) Favourite Colour? I love blue, any shade.
10) Do you have any pets? I have two rescue cats called Laurel & Heidi, who we adopted as young cats 3 years ago and also 5 guinea pigs called Mo, Maisy, Darcy, Daisy & Nala, who I love!
11) Favourite perfume? I always love the soap and glory sprays, but I got given my first proper perfume for Christmas last year from my Mum called Daisy by Marc Jacobs and it smells incredible, I love it! Anything floral with a slight hint of musk is right up my street :)
12) Are you married? No, I'm 17! (Not that there's anything wrong with getting married at 16/17, I just wouldn't at my age)
13) Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times? Yes, I went to Germany last year on a school trip for History. It was quite an experience as it was my first time abroad, but I loved it - Berlin is a beautiful city and I would love to return when I am older! I want to travel a lot more in the future - New York is top of my travel bucket list atm.
14) Do you speak any other languages? Nope, I'm 100% British. I would love to speak another language fluently though.
15) How many siblings do you have? None, I'm an only child, which I don't mind now, although I used to hate it and wish for a sister.
16) What is your favourite shop? New Look is completely my favourite clothes shop, I would say at least 3/4 of my wardrobe is from there. The clothes just fit me really nicely and are my style. Apart from that, I really like Pull & Bear, and any make up store like MAC!
17) Favourite Restaurant? I don't eat out often, so when I do, any restaurant is a massive treat. I love a local Italian restaurent called 'Trattiora Italiana', the food is incredible and the staff are so friendly and lovely.
18) When was the last time you cried? This morning actually, everything's quite stressful with exams coming up atm and it's 'that time of the month' so I'm extremely overemotional!
19) Favourite blog? I love Georgia's blog: http://www.georgialouisebeauty.blogspot.co.uk/
20) Favourite movie? I'm not a massive fan of movies, I seem to get bored half way through, but the Lion King has got to be my favourite still:)
21) Favourite TV Shows? I really like watching hospital documentaries at the moment, I just find them really interesting - 24 hours in A&E is my favourite.
22) PC or Mac? I own a PC, so PC (although I would love a Macbook air!)
23) What phone do you have? Samsung Galaxy S5
24) How tall are you? I'm pretty tall for my age, about 5 foot 8"
25) Can you cook? I can bake simple things like cakes and bread, but I need to learn to cook before I go to uni next September!
Hope you enjoyed this Q&A, feel free to copy and paste to answer yourself.
See you soon,
Katy x
Katy x
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