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Sunday, 7 August 2016

Summer Reads

As it is now summer, we all have a break from school/college/university - hoorah! One activity I enjoy very much is reading. I can lose myself in a book and somehow escape normal life for a few minutes or hours. Here, I am going to talk to you about some of my personal favourites that you need to get your hands on.

1) The Potion Diaries - Amy Alward. This is a book involving magic, but never how you have seen it before. Princess Evelyn falls in love with her reflection after taking a doomed love potion intented for her suitor. The King and Queen announce a 'hunt' - a competition to find ingredients to reverse the potion. Samantha Kemi is an ordinary girl, with extrordinary talents being a natural alchemist (one of the few remaining). Can she battle with the superpowers of those higher up on the hierarchy?

This is such a funny read, and written extremely well. Evelyn falling in love with herself and being confused why her reflection or girlfriend 'Lyn' won't respond is hilarious! Samantha is a very relatable character you quickly learn to love. I would recommend this for a lighthearted read.

2) Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell - Without spoiling the storyline, all I can say is that it shows the love/hate relationship between two twins called Cath and Wren. Wren is extroverted and wants to become her own person at University, whereas Cath struggles with social anxiety and becomes a shell of herself. 

I think if you are a twin, a teenager or you have anxiety, you will really relate to this. It is a heartwarming read and a really good one to pick up. It is a chunky book though with over 400 pages, meaning it is perfect to read in the remainder of the summer holiday!

3) Will Grayson, Will Grayson - John Green & David Levithan - in summary, two Will Grayson's start off leading seperate lives and then intertwine, becoming friends at the end of the book through their love of music. One Will Grayson is a straight young student, living in Chicago. He is introverted, but generally happy, with his sections of the book written using correct grammar and punctuation. The other Will Grayson is a gay teenager, struggling with his sexuality and depression. His perspective is more of a monologue, with a no upper-case letters. The ending is a happy one too, which I always like!

It is a book that is very intelligently written and one that I have a lot of respect for. It focuses on the pressures of young people with the concepts of love, peer pressure, and sexuality. It was also the first LGBT book to be nominated for the New York Times. 

The Red Queen - Victoria Aveyard - I can only describe this book as a cross between The Hunger Games and Divergent. Two classes are divided by their blood type; Red (common people, who are poor) and Silver (royalty, with various talents, who rule over the land). Mare is a rare cross and is taken from her poor Red life into living in the palace under secrecy. The whole book is full of twists and turns, and even I was surprised by the ending! 

It has to be one of my all time favourites, I was on edge and could not put this down! 

So those are my summer picks! What are your favourite reads this summer? Let me know below!

Katy x



  1. Love Will Grayson, Will Grayson! John Green is one of my favourite authors. You should give Paper Towns a read!

    1. John Green is one of my fave authors too! I've read it actually, I loved it :)


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