A dash of lifestyle, beauty, fashion and a bit of everything!

Saturday, 19 September 2015

My Skincare Routine

Hi guys!

I'm fortunate enough to have pretty clear and spot-free skin - I do get eczema on my nose and areas of my face if I don't properly look after my skin. I have to be careful not to trigger this, and I've finally found the routine that works for me! 

Can I add although this may look like it is sponsored by simple, I promise it isn't - these are genuinely products I enjoy using (although I wouldn't mind being sponsored by simple - if you want me to promote anything for you, look under the 'disclaimer' or 'contact me' tab).

The morning:

As I'm getting ready for the day, I wash my face with Simple's Facial Wash. I just wet my hands with water and then put a blob of this onto my fingers and rub it - lathers well and you don't need much at all! Then I just wash my face, rubbing it all over and then washing it off! I find this wakes you up and really helps your skin stay clear without aggravating it. I then use my Simple 'Light Moisturiser' all over my face. This dries pretty quickly and works throughout the day - it is also perfect to have as a base under your make up. I then apply my make up and rush out of the door to college or wherever I'm going for the day! 

The evening:

Once I've got in after a long day, the first thing I want to do is take off my make up (if I have worn any in the day). I use Garnier's Micellar Cleansing Water and put some on a cotton wool ball, before wiping off my make off. This hydrates your skin and feel really gentle - it's the first make up remover I've found that doesn't irritate my skin. If I'm in a rush (or can't be bothered to do the full thing, oops), I use Simple's Eye Make Up Remover Pads, which do the job. 
As I don't wear make up every day, if I haven't worn some, I just skip to the next stage, which is washing my face. I use the simple face wash I used in the morning, but then apply Simple's Rich Moisturiser. I usually use just a blob and wipe this in circular motions from my chin upwards. I find it best to apply this before bed time, and then it can do it's work overnight.

So that is my skincare routine for good skin! I know this may seem like a lot (or too little for some people!) but it only takes a few minutes more of your day and is very easy to do. Anything is worth it for good skin, right?

Let me know in the comments what you do for your skincare routine and what your favourite products are! 


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